Think a minute…”Love at first sight is often cured by a second look.” A popular song said: “I’d give everything I own for just one minute of real love.” Deep down we know we have not really lived if we have not really loved. If love is what life is all about, why are we not better at it by now? Someone said: “It is amazing that after thousands of years, humans still have not learned how to love others better.”
One part of our problem is that we do not spend true quality time actually practicing, improving, and learning how to love. We seem to make time for almost everything else, then whatever time is left over is what we spend with the people we love. Remember: “Working overtime pays more because of what you’re missing.” Time with the people you love is one of your most valuable possessions.
Our greatest ambition in life should be to learn how to love truly well. When people are dying, you never hear them say: “Bring me my money one more time before I die.” The only thing we want during our last moments of life is the people we love—because we know they are the ones who made our life worth living.
Our challenge is that we cannot learn how to really love until we have seen real love in real life. Until I have been truly loved by someone else, I do not know how to truly love others. You’re probably thinking: No one has always loved me like that. Loved me completely, without conditions, just as I am. But the fact is someone actually has loved you like that for your entire life. We learn how to love by seeing God’s real love for us in Jesus. He always loves you unconditionally.
No person in history has lived and shown us such a pure, powerful, and perfect love as He did. This is because He is love itself. Jesus came to show us what true love looks like. He has given us the clearest picture and proof of His love for us—by sacrificially giving His perfectly innocent life for all of our wrong living and sins. Only He is able to change our sinful nature and self-centered heart, so we can begin to love others with His own Christ-like love.
How do you learn to love? You let Jesus love you first, and ask Him to take full control of your heart and character. Then as you receive His real love and power every day, you can start learning how to love people unconditionally like He does, since you will be getting the love you need from Him. Just think a minute…