76e – Following the Wrong Map

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
76e – Following the Wrong Map

Think a minute…Have you ever been lost? If you travel to another country for the first time, getting lost can be frustrating and discouraging. In the days before GPS (Global Positioning System), people relied on maps to show them the way to their destination. Imagine you had just arrived in London, England and wanted to go to a certain place in that great city. A map of London would show you how to get there. But what if you had the wrong map? What if your map read London, but it was actually a map of Tokyo, Japan! Imagine your total frustration and futility in trying to get where you want to go in London, when all the time you’re following the map of Tokyo!

You could work on your driving skills and concentration. Try harder and drive faster. But that would only take you to the wrong place faster. You might even change your attitude and think more positively. But you would still be lost. Being polite and kind to other drivers and pedestrians along the way would not get you there either. None of these things you do can change the fact that you’re following the wrong map.

That’s the frustrating situation we all face in life. We keep looking for success, satisfaction, and love in all the wrong places—because we don’t have the right map. We keep going down dead-end roads that lead us nowhere. We waste much of our life getting lost and making painful mistakes that cost us dearly—because we do not know how to get where we want to go. But the saddest thing of all is that the right map has been right in front of us all the time. We simply refused to use it. In fact, the Maker of the right map also came as our personal guide to show us what we’re looking for.

Jesus said: “I am the way to true life. Follow me and I will lead you where you need and want to go. I know this land and territory called life. I know how to protect you from going where you do not want to go. Trust me. I guarantee that if you follow my way, you’ll find the lasting, good life of satisfaction and security you have been looking for.” Won’t you ask Jesus to start leading you today? Isn’t it finally time to stop going down those dead-end roads and start following the right map of life? You will even have Jesus Christ as your own personal guide every day.  Just think a minute…
