Think a minute…Not long ago in America an exciting championship basketball game was played between New Rochelle and Yonkers High Schools. The New Rochelle team’s coach was Dan O’Brien. Yonkers was leading by one point with only a few seconds left to play. Then amazingly New Rochelle quickly brought the ball across the court for the final shot and a thrilling victory! But the crowd of fans was yelling and cheering so loudly that the referee could not hear the final buzzer signaling time had run out. When he asked the timekeeper, the young man answered: “Sir, the final buzzer actually sounded off just before New Rochelle made the last shot.”
As the referee was giving Coach O’Brien the bad news, the young timekeeper came over and said to Coach O’Brien: “Dad, I’m really sorry. But the time ran out just before your team made the winning basket.” His father, Coach O’Brien, smiled with satisfaction and said: “That’s okay, son. You did the right thing, and I’m so proud of you for it.” This father had taught his son well: “Always be honest, no matter what it costs you or what you can get away with.”
There’s a similar true story of another basketball team of teenagers who came from behind to win their championship game. Then just a few days later, their coach was watching a film of the game and saw that an ineligible player was on the court for only a few seconds of the game. He immediately called the sports league authorities and reported his own team’s mistake and violation, and he returned the championship trophy.
At a press conference the coach said: “Some people have said that we should have kept quiet about it, because it was only a few seconds and it would not have changed the fact that we won. But we always must do what is honest and right. I told my team that people forget the scores of games, but they do not forget what you’re made of as a man.” You can be sure that every young man on that team will always remember the honest, courageous character of their coach and want to follow his strong example.
The greatest honor and responsibility we have is to raise and teach the next generation well. It is up to us whether our children will become brave, honest, loving leaders and parents. In fact, it is never too late to ask Jesus to change your heart and character. Only He can help you become the true example this next generation desperately needs to follow. Just think a minute…