Think a minute…Has your doctor asked you to stick out your tongue? Often that is one of the first things doctors examine in a patient, because sometimes they can know what is wrong with you simply by looking at your tongue.
Our tongue also gives away other things about us. For example, our accent and way of speaking shows what country or culture we come from, as well as the kind of family in which we were raised. But most importantly, our tongue shows what is inside our heart and mind. We usually talk about the things we enjoy and care about most—whether it’s money, family, friends, hobbies, sports, parties, gossip, politics, religion, or other things.
A wise man said: ”Don’t let your tongue cut your throat.” If that small, two-ounce piece of flesh in your mouth is not controlled, it can potentially destroy your relationships and life.
Most of the time we act well and control our tongue. We choose our words carefully so we can impress other people with our kind, polite manner and way of speaking. But then if somebody wrongs or hurts us, watch out! It’s then that we quickly react out of pride and anger to lash out and hurt them in return.
It is in those unexpected pressure times that what is really in our heart comes out in our words. In that moment, the real you comes shining through. Your reactions reveal your true feelings of anger, pride, prejudice, pain, or bitterness. It is then that we show what we really are—underneath the nice, controlled person we act like in front of others. It is our re-actions that show our real pride, insecurity, jealousy, selfish ambition, or greed inside.
Obviously, you cannot get clean water out of a dirty cup. “Clean words can only come from a pure heart.”They must consistently come from a clean source. Our problem is that we often are blind to how unclean our heart is inside.
The good news is Jesus can help us see clearly what we truly are. But then most importantly He also can start cleaning us from the inside out and give us the power to start changing our heart. Right now, won’t you ask Him to forgive you for your wrong way of living and start changing your heart with His love and truth? Only then can the words that come out of your mouth become truly pure, honest, and kind. Just think a minute…