85b – Make Yourself a Success (Part 2) 

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
85b – Make Yourself a Success (Part 2) 

Think a minute…The first, and most important, ingredient for success is motivating yourself to act. You must believe every day that your choices and actions are moving you closer to your goal. You are the one who “makes or breaks” your own success.

The second ingredient you need for success is your skills and abilities that you must keep sharpening by using them again and again. This only comes through practice. “Practice makes perfect.” Experience is the best teacher—if you keep learning and improving each time you do it. That is how you become skilled and professional at what you do. Youlive and learn”—but sadly, some of us just live, continuing to make the same mistakes and doing things the way we’ve always done them, whether they’re right or not.

 The third ingredient for success is knowledge. For example, a salesman needs to know everything about the product or service he sells, and how to sell it. This kind of knowledge you can get from books, training programs, courses, the internet, and from more experienced people who will teach you. It’s as you continue to learn the new technologies and knowledge that you stay successful.

Success only comes to those who keep trying; so, put your knowledge and skills into action. That way your confidence, passion, and perseverance each day will keep moving you closer to your goal.

A group of teenage boys wanted to get good jobs and do better in school. A successful businessman started teaching them that if they simply learned to work hard and work smart, they could succeed much more quickly than they expected. He especially taught them how to have confidence. In just 30 days, all 16 boys had jobs! And in only 90 days, some of them had moved up in school two years! They chose to pay the price for success by working hard and working smart. 

These same principles were taught to hundreds of criminals in prison who wanted to change and succeed. Of the 800 prisoners, 84 percent of them stayed out of prison and got good jobs!

 Why not start moving forward on your road to success? The first step is to ask Jesus to take charge of your heart and way of living. Then, He can start helping you as you learn all the skills and knowledge you need to succeed. He will also give you the motivation and passion to fully live His wonderful plan and purpose for your life. Just think a minute…
