95a – Workplace Checkup (Part 1)

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
95a – Workplace Checkup (Part 1)

Think a minute…Do you like your workplace? Is it a peaceful and productive place to work every day? Just as we need to get a checkup on our body to see if we’re healthy, today and tomorrow let’s get a checkup on our workplace, since we spend so much of our lives there.

The first symptom of an unhealthy workplace is frequent complaining. Employees criticize and trash-talk their company, their fellow workers, managers, customers, or their products and services. They also tell their family, friends, and others outside the company how negative and bad things are on their job. 

A second symptom of an unhealthy workplace is when the employees feel overwhelmed, sometimes even hopeless. No matter how hard and fast they work, they can never finish all the tasks they’re expected to do each day. So, they must choose either not to do everything, or just rush to get it all finished but not do it well.    

Another symptom is jealous competition and conflict between fellow workers. This gossiping, back-stabbing, and bullying is called “lateral violence”. Sadly, this is a common problem in many workplaces.

A fourth symptom of an unhealthy workplace is one in which employees do not feel appreciated and recognized for their work. The #1 complaint of employees is this: “I can do 100 things right and not hear anything about it, but if I do just one thing wrong, they quickly criticize me and make me feel like a failure.”  Studies show that most employees arelooking for more than just a paycheck, they want to feel good about the work they do and that they’re appreciated once in a while for their reliable, quality work.

If you realize your workplace has some of these unhealthy symptoms, why not ask God to help you do what you can to help change it into a healthier, happier place for everyone? Ask Jesus to take charge of your heart and attitude, and He will give you His wisdom, kindness, and strength every day to make a difference where you work. Just think a minute…
