Think a Minute…”Who said life’s fair?” I heard my grandmother say that a thousand times if I heard it once. There was a reason she said it often. When my grandmother was a little girl, one day her father just left her and her mother—and he never came back! It was extremely painful and shameful, especially in her generation. My grandmother fought that feeling of rejection and unfairness all her life. From an early age as a child, she learned that life is not fair.
My guess is so did you. Hopefully you did not have such a painful, unfair experience as that. But as a child your father punished you for something you did not do. Maybe your parents gave more attention and favor to your siblings than you. A neighbor blamed you for something that was someone else’s fault. You had a teacher in school who treated you unfairly. Now that you’re an adult, your boss is unfair. Laws seem to discriminate. Even your wife or husband may treat you unfairly, or accuse you unjustly. Who said life’s fair? It’s not!
So, what can you do to handle the unfairness of people and life? Once again there is a person who has an answer to our life’s toughest questions. Talk about unfairness: He is the number one victim of injustice in history! Even people who did not like this man admitted that he was the last person in the world who should be executed and killed as the worst of criminals. If Jesus Christ was not a good and innocent man, then no one is! So next time you and I think we are being treated unfairly, just tell Him about it. He knows exactly what you’re feeling and going through.
So how do you handle unfairness in life? With Jesus, you can handle whatever that life and others do to you—since He has already cleared the way for you to follow. He’s “been there, done that.” And He gives His same power to anyone who will ask Him to take charge and control of their life. His own inner strength and peace that does not let the unfairness of others keep you down.
You will also become strong and free enough to forgive those who hurt and treat you unfairly—just as He forgives you for the times you yourself have treated others wrongly. Jesus’ love and power is yours for the asking. Won’t you ask Him to forgive you and take charge of your heart every day? Then, no matter how unfair people are to you, you will know that the One Who is in control of your life will always be more than fair to you—since He alone is completely full of love and truth. Just think a minute…