Think a minute…This is a true story about a boy who dreamed of sailing around the world living a life of adventure on the sea. The day finally came at age 15 when he was old enough to follow his dream and join the Navy as a midshipman on a real war ship. Of course, his big challenge now was to convince his mother to let him go. But his dear mother had lost her husband only five years earlier and was left to raise more than a dozen children all by herself. So, for her to give up her youngest son was asking almost too much. Yet she told him if that was what he really wanted, she would give her approval to let him go.
The day finally came to say goodbye. Her boy was standing in front of her in a handsome Navy uniform ready to sail away. Suddenly his mother became overwhelmed with the pain of letting go of her youngest son. She began to cry uncontrollably and begged him to stay home to help her and the rest of the family. Her 15-year-old son was quiet for a long time before finally speaking. He wanted with all his heart to become a Navy officer—but not if it was going to break his mother’s heart. He was deeply sad and disappointed, yet he returned home to help his mother take care of the rest of the family.
But that’s not the end of the story. This honorable young man who almost became a midshipman, later became the captain of a country. This devoted son who at first sacrificed everything, became known as the Father of the Nation: George Washington, the first President of the United States.
The Son of God Himself sacrificed everything, including His perfectly innocent life, because of His great love for us. Then three days later He came back to life to rule over everything He had created. But He still gives us human beings the freedom and choice whether or not we will accept His authority and follow His leadership over our life. The great news is that we can trust Him, because He has already proven that He rules and leads us with His unfailing love that sacrificed Himself for us. Won’t you trust and ask Him to take charge of your heart and life for the rest of your life? You have nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain. Just think a minute…