75a Rise to the Challenge (Part 1)

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
75a Rise to the Challenge (Part 1)

Think a minute…One man jokingly said, “I have problems flown in fresh daily wherever I am!” Ever feel like you cannot get away from problems no matter where you go? We all know that problems and challenges are a part of life. Some of them we face every day at work and at home. Then there is that once-in-a-lifetime challenge we must overcome. How we respond to our challenges greatly determines how successful and satisfying our life will be. Remember: “A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.”

The world of sports can help us see the kind of character and courage we need to rise to the challenge. Years ago, the Australian Herb Elliot was a great runner until he broke his foot and could not run for months. He was then forced to only watch as Elliot’s competitor John Landy ran the mile in under four minutes.

Afterwards, Elliot told a famous running coach that he also wanted to run the mile in less than four minutes. The coach looked at Elliot and answered: “Son, do you know what it takes to run a mile in under four minutes? Are you ready to run until you almost cannot stand and you’re almost unconscious?” But young Herb Elliot rose to the challenge. Less than one year later, at age 19, he broke the world record by running a mile in only three minutes and 54 seconds! 

The great female athlete Babe Didrikson won 2 gold medals in the Olympics and was also a champion in tennis, golf, horseback riding, swimming, basketball…and then cancer. At the end of her fight with this deadly disease, she called her husband to her bedside, took him by the hand and said: “Honey, I hope you will find someone to love you as much as I have loved you.” As her husband began to weep, she said: “It’s OK, dear. While I’ve been in the hospital, I have learned that a moment of true happiness is a lifetime, and I have had a lot of happiness.”

Babe Didrikson showed true character and courage rising to the challenge. To give your life to loving others and your Creator is what life is all about. Jesus will enable you to take whatever problems and pain life throws at you and use them to grow and live a life full of love, truth, peace, and purpose. From this day forward, won’t you choose to live your Maker’s way? Jesus will always be with you to guide and strengthen you to rise to every single challenge you face—big or small. Just think a minute…
