76b – Successful Business Plan (Part 2)

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
76b – Successful Business Plan (Part 2)

Think a minute…A wise person said: ”The reason people are successful is that they put their plan and work together for a plan that works.” Yesterday we started a plan for success in our career, character, and personal relationships. Today, we will complete the course.  

Rule number three: Be productive. This means we learn to use our time and talents efficiently and effectively to produce something others think is worth having. It may be a good product or service, or both. But to do this we must maintain our high standard of quality in our work. The world-famous musician Paderewski said: “When I miss a week of practice, my audience knows it. When I miss a day of practice, I know it.”

This takes daily discipline and commitment to improving ourselves and our service to others. We must keep sharpening our skills, learning to use new and better technology, even learning from our competitors. Remember: “The enemy of the best is second best.”  “Good enough” rarely is!

This leads to rule number four: Be motivated by a passion and purpose that gets you up every morning. “Fire in your heart will melt the lead in your feet.” Without this desire and drive, your best plans will never happen. There is a deep satisfaction that only comes from knowing you are fully using your abilities and training to become the best you can be.

Yet, even if we did all this, we still need a purpose bigger than just our own personal desires and dreams. Something that is truly worth giving our life to. This brings us back to where we started: You find real, lasting success and happiness as you help others find it. It is the only true, satisfying success our Maker designed us to have.

Remember, when we know that God Himself is with us, we cannot lose, since He works everything together for good when we live for Him and His purpose. Won’t you ask Jesus to forgive you for living your wrong way and to take charge of your life every day? Then, He can help you start living His plan and principles for your success in this great business called Life. Just think a minute…
