Think a minute…Former American president Harry Truman said that every president has been attacked by the news media and press. President Truman further concluded that a U.S. president who had never disagreed and fought with either Congress or the Supreme Court had not really done his job.
This principle is also true for you and me. No matter what our job is, there will be people who oppose and criticize us. Sooner or later, you will stand for something that others will not like. Never forget, “You can’t please all the people all the time.”
That is why always trying to be popular is a losing battle, wasting both our time and effort. We need to choose the right battles for the right reasons and realize that success is having a good character and clear conscience—even if sometimes it makes us unpopular with some people. However, many of those people who will not like you for your moral stand will still respect you for your character and courage. Remember, “If you know better, then you must live better, which can inspire others to live better.”
The sad fact is that when no one makes a stand for the right, everyone suffers. “All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing.” The famous Watergate scandal in America was an example of this. The men who worked closely with President Nixon knew that morally wrong, illegal things were being done, but they did nothing to stop it. During the trial the prosecutor asked one of Nixon’s men named Porter why he did not even try to stop it. Porter answered: “I was afraid of the group pressure from the other men and that I would not be seen as a team player.” Porter did not understand the truth of this saying: “Sometimes silence is golden, but other times it’s just plain yellow [and cowardly].”
There’s nothing wrong with being a team player…as long as you choose the right team: truth’s team. Remember, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” A wise man said: “Please God—and you will please the people God wants you to please.” Today, won’t you decide to join God’s team? Jesus declared: “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” If you ask Him, Jesus will give you the power and courage to daily make a stand for what is true and right. Plus, you will inspire others to do the same. Just think a minute…