77e – Battling Boredom

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
77e – Battling Boredom

Think a minute…Are you bored? It’s a sad life when we “outlive our enthusiasm” for it. That is why “Our big challenge is not to add years to our life, but add life to our years.” That way, “Our spirit will not grow gray before our hair does.”

Did you ever really want something such as a promotion or new job, a good education, or a nice house? But after you got it, it lost its excitement and did not give you the lasting satisfaction you expected. Then you were left still wanting something more. And you wonder: “Is this as good as it gets? Is this basically all I can expect in life?” A successful businessman said: “I climbed all the way to the top and found there’s nothing there!” Even after he achieved everything he wanted, he was still empty and unhappy.

When you are bored and unsatisfied, nothing in life is really worth your full energy and time. You don’t have a real passion and purpose for living. Well, guess what? You’re normal. We humans were made for such a high level of living and productivity that it’s easy for us to get bored. And no one knows it better than our own Maker. That is why He gives us expectations and challenges to push us to reach our full potential. Animals can be satisfied just to eat, sleep, play a little, and call that successful living; but we humans were made for much more than that!

This is why Jesus says the only way we can have a full, satisfying life is when we spend our time and talents loving Him and others. We were created to give and make a difference in the world with our own unique abilities and personality. And it is simply common sense that your Maker is the only One Who can show you what is worth your time and abilities He gave you. He wants to show you how to fill your place in the world. Something that you know is making a difference in the lives of people around you.

Are you fully satisfied with your life?  Do you love how you’re living?  Won’t you ask Jesus to take charge of your heart and daily way of living so you can start enjoying the full life He created you for? He is the only One Who can give you your true passion, purpose, and power for living—so you will not have to battle boredom in your life again. Just think a minute…
