78b – The Sound of Silence

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
78b – The Sound of Silence

Think a minute…”People would be happier if they were as good at silence as they are at speaking.” Studies have shown that constant noise is one of the biggest causes of our daily stress. “Silence is golden because there is so little of it.” Many of us don’t even realize how noisy our daily life is, and how it is robbing our peace of mind, family harmony, and health. 

Our problem is we have become so accustomed, even addicted, to continually hearing some kind of noise—whether it’s talking, news, music, videos, the telephone, and other sounds. In fact, many of us simply are not comfortable with silence. Even when we go away on holiday to relax, we still take our smart phone, tablet, laptop, or we watch TV in the hotel room.

Sadly, we lose some of the best things in life because they are found only in the “sound of silence.” In silence, we can think of what we need to improve and change in our life, our family, our job and career, and our own personal character. Silence helps us think clearly so we can set goals and understand our life’s purpose. Yet silence can also give us time and freedom not to think at all, but enjoy life’s simple pleasures—such as the waves of the ocean, the color and fragrance of flowers, a gentle breeze, or a beautiful sunset. It’s in these peaceful, powerful moments of silence that we can appreciate our beautiful world and begin to understand where we fit in it.

It’s only when we are quiet that we can begin to clearly hear and understand the feelings of those we love and care about. Most importantly, it is in our silence that we can begin to hear the voice of our Maker. He keeps waiting for us to be quiet long enough to listen, so we can start receiving His peace of mind and learn to live the right way He created us to enjoy each day. Today, won’t you stop and listen to what He wants to say to you through “the sound of silence”? Just think a minute…
