79b – Benefits of Bonding

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
79b – Benefits of Bonding

Think a minute…Scientific studies have shown that much of our world’s anger and violence comes from people who do not have close, caring relationships. It’s a simple fact of life: “Everybody needs somebody.” Close, true friendships make our life successful and satisfying in many ways.

First, friends make you stronger and more able to handle stress in your life. Friends encourage and support you so you know you’re not alone in your disappointments and difficult times. People who are hurting need more than just sympathy—they need a friend. “When we succeed, our friends know. When we fail, we know our true friends.” It’s so true: “A real friend walks in when everybody else walks out.” There are few things sadder and lonelier than going through a painful time or tragedy and not having a friend you can totally trust, talk to, and depend on for help.

A second benefit of bonding with others is that it guides us in our moral character and doing the right thing in life. When we bond with people, we want to treat them right. “You cannot legislate morality.” Laws can only limit or restrain us from doing bad and unlawful things to others; but laws cannot change our heart and make us good inside. Only love in our heart can make us genuinely kind, forgiving, self-controlled, and honest. You want to do the right thing for people you love and care about. You do not need a law to stop you from robbing them, since that is the last thing in the world you want to do to people you love.

Something else that bonding with others gives us is meaning to our success. “One of the most miserable persons on earth is the one who has money and no friends.” The world is full of wealthy, lonely people who live in big, beautiful houses that have no real love inside. But when you have people you truly care about, then your success means you’re providing for the people you love. You’re also helping the many lives that your job or business serves. Your professional goal is not just to make money, but to enjoy using it to help improve other people’s lives. This is far more valuable than just the money itself. 

Won’t you ask the One who loves you more than anyone to become your closest friend? If you wholeheartedly ask Jesus to come into your life today, He can start filling your heart with His real love so you’re able to bond more closely with those people you need and who need you. Just think a minute…
