84a – Day Dreaming

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
84a – Day Dreaming

Think a minute…Someone wisely observed: “If you have more memories than dreams, then you’ve lost your passion for living.” Imagine if we lived our dreams with our eyes wide open. The problem is not that most people aim too high and miss; it’s that they aim too low and hit. We usually get what we aim for. A highly successful man said: “You have to think anyway, so why not think big!”

Our dreams should not put us to sleep, but rather wake us up to all our possibilities in life. A great leader put it this way: “The prize goes to the person who sees the future the quickest—and the best way to predict the future is to invent it.”  

If you and I can set our goals, then concentrate on reaching them, we can begin to live our life on purpose instead of by chance. But to make our dreams come true, we must live by three rules. First, start right now. Second, do your very best. Third, there are no exceptions to the first two rules.

The former world record holder in the mile run, Jim Ryan, said: “Dreams are what get you started, but discipline is what keeps you going all the way.”  Many times, we see promising new businesses start up with success, but after awhile they fail and their business closes. They did not pay their debts. They lowered the standards of their product and service. They did not keep up-to-date and competitive. It is like some of us who diet and lose weight, but then later we gain all of it back. Why? We simply did not discipline ourselves to permanently change our daily habits, thinking, and lifestyle.

Are you living by the 3 C’s: Commit, Concentrate, and Complete? Do you have a dream and goal that you will commit to, concentrate on every day, and then complete? Something that at the end of your life you don’t want to look back and wish you had done or lived differently. You can start now! Ask Jesus to help you know the right, best dreams and goals for your life. He will also help you with the discipline you need to daily live your dreams with your eyes wide open.  Just think a minute…  
