86a – Work Till You Win  

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
86a – Work Till You Win  

Think a minute…One day in 1894, Guglielmo returned to his room on the third floor of his parents’ house. He had spent several months reading books and filling notebooks with detailed drawings and diagrams. Now it was time to work at bringing those drawings from paper into practical inventions to use in real life.

He got up early every morning and worked all day until late at night. In fact, his mother began to seriously worry about his health. He worked so long and hard every day, barely stopping to eat or sleep, that he continued losing weight.     

Finally, the day came when he announced to his family that he was ready to show them what he had been working tirelessly to build. They climbed the stairs to his room on the third floor. Guglielmo pushed a button which rang a bell down on the first floor. His mother was amazed and proud of her son. But his father was not! He saw no value or use in being able to send a signal only a short distance. So, Guglielmo kept on working.

Little by little he made changes in his invention to send a signal from one hill to the next, and then beyond the hill. Eventually, through his perspiration and perseverance, his invention was perfected.

Guglielmo Marconi became famous as the inventor of wireless telegraphy, which started the technology for the invention of radio. Marconi not only received the Nobel Prize in physics, but also a respected position in the Italian senate and many honorary degrees.

Someone said: “The way to get to the top is to get off your bottom.”That’s why, “You gotta work it to win it.” You can accomplish nearly anything—if you commit your heart and life to it by combining your vision with hard work. Your dream plus diligence and determination will keep you working till you win. But there is just one Person who can help you win at living the right, best dream for your life—and that is the Inventor of you. If you will give Jesus your heart and life, He will give you the guidance and power to keep working each day to reach your potential—and to have all the success He designed you to enjoy and use for others. Just think a minute… 
