86b – Master Plan

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
86b – Master Plan

Think a minute…Ben Banneker was a respected Black American scholar who became a brilliant mathematician, designer, and engineer. In fact, Ben was appointed by the U.S. Secretary of State to a top team of engineers to design the master plan of a modern city. The group of international engineers was led by French architect Charles L’Enfant. L’Enfant’s grand plan was to be used for this modern masterpiece that included both artistic beauty and the latest technology in transportation and communication. 

Unfortunately, for this genius architect L’Enfant, he soon was accused of trying to control the plan for his own purposes. Before the land had even been surveyed, the chief engineer and architect chose to return to France, taking the American government’s plans with him.

With their city plans gone, the U.S. Secretary of State called an emergency meeting of all the city commissioners and engineers, including Ben Banneker. In the meeting, Ben shocked them all by assuring them that he had thoroughly studied L’Enfant’s plans and Ben was quite certain he could remember every detail.  

At first, the committee did not believe that anyone could keep in their mind all the complex designs and drawings of an entire large city! To memorize the architectural details of just one building would be amazing enough. But Ben began to precisely draw all of the original plans he still had in his mind. That beautiful modern city was built entirely from Ben’s memory, which Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson had put his trust in. In fact, you may have even visited this city. For the plans that Ben Banneker carried in his mind were for Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States.

Did you know that your Maker has a brilliant and beautiful master plan for your life?  He’s just been waiting for you to come home to Him, so you can follow His master plan as you start building the life He made for you to fully live and experience. Once and for all, won’t you ask Jesus to take charge and begin changing your mind and heart? Then you can start living the true, best life He custom-designed for you to enjoy. Just think a minute…
