Think a minute…Not long ago I watched an amazing true story on television. A family was at the zoo when their little boy suddenly slipped and fell down 15 feet into the gorilla exhibit. He hit his head and landed in the middle of a group of huge gorillas. Everyone screamed, sure that these big, powerful animals would kill this small boy. But to everybody’s shock, a female gorilla quickly ran and stood over the little boy as if he was her own baby. She continued to protect him from the large male gorillas threatening to attack and kill him.
It is said that the instinct of a mother to protect her young is one of the most powerful instincts in nature. In fact, there is no more important and powerful job on earth than that of a mother. Mothers probably have the greatest influence on the world’s children who grow up to be the world’s leaders. To bring a person into the world, then love and train him or her to reach their full potential, is the most successful career anyone could dream of having.
Many of the world’s greatest leaders have said that it was their mother who taught and made them what they became. Even Napolean, the conquering leader from France, said: “The future greatness of the child is the work of the mother.” Another world leader said: “The mother is the strongest, most lasting teacher that children have.”
Children will continue to enjoy the benefits of a good mother for the rest of their lives. But in the same way, children whose mothers fail to give them the love, time, and example they need to follow will be somewhat crippled for life. Tragically, many of them struggle the rest of their lives to overcome the hurts and damage from their mothers’ neglect and failures. A mother always leaves her mark and influence on her child—for good or for bad.
So don’t ever think that being a mother is not a successful career. In fact, studies show that for the last 15-20 years, many working mothers have been leaving their professional careers to return to their important, satisfying career of raising their children to reach their full potential. This does not mean working mothers cannot be devoted, loving, and wise mothers, but simply that they have a much greater challenge in becoming the best mother they can be—since they have much less time to spend with their children.
Time magazine talked about this fact that more young professional mothers are choosing to stay at home. The article states: “In professional and managerial classes where higher incomes permit more choices…Today’s women executives are less willing to play the juggler’s game…and more willing to sacrifice paychecks and prestige for time with their family…often with every intention of returning. Their mantra: ‘You can have it all, just not all at the same time.’”
Remember, “You cannot do everything in every season of life.” Learn to enjoy and make the most of each season of your life. So, before you have children, build a strong, satisfying, and successful marriage relationship with your husband. Then you will be prepared and ready to love and teach your children with your example of a healthy, happy marriage.
Even if your mother did not love and teach you the way she should have, it is not too late to receive what you need. If you will sincerely ask Jesus to forgive you for your own wrongs, He will also begin healing your hurts and painful memories. Then, you can be free and empowered to become all He created you to be, and to help your children do the same. Just think a minute…