90e – Read the Signs

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
90e – Read the Signs

Think a minute…Years ago on the night of 14 April, the ship named Californian had come within 1500 miles of its destination of Boston Harbor in the U.S. It was midnight and Second Officer Herbert Stone reported for his watch. He found his apprentice looking through binoculars at another ship in the dark distance. He could see some lights, so Stone told the apprentice to try to communicate using the Morse Code light. But the other ship did not answer.

Then five more white flashes came from the other ship, followed by another four white flashes, so Stone called his captain. The captain ordered more light signals to be sent, but still no answer came. They noticed the other ship’s cabin lights were disappearing, so it appeared to be sailing away. At 1:40 AM Stone saw the eighth and last white flash in the night sky.

It was not until 4 AM that they learned the truth about the other ship. Second Officer Stone and his captain had not understood that the lights and flashes from the other ship were alarm signals. That night of 14 April, the Californian had stopped in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean since there was a dangerous field of ice in the water. It was while they were stopped and waiting that they saw the lights from the other ship in the distance.  

The other ship had sent those light flares as distress signals, and the Californian that was only nine miles away would have rushed to help save it except for one thing. The other ship had been sending distress signals both by lights and by radio, but the Californian’s new young radio operator was sleeping. So that night, Second Officer Stone and his captain did not know the light flashes were desperate calls for help from the sinking…Titanic. The most famous shipwreck in modern history.

Jesus Himself said that by far the greatest tragedy is to watch yourself and the people you love sink into eternity, separated from God and lost forever in the worst suffering and aloneness there is. Those are the words and warnings from Jesus Himself. The most important question is: Will you read and follow the signs to safety? He has made them so clear and easy to understand that we have no excuse. Once and for all, you can ask Him to forgive you for your wrong heart and sinful living? Then ask Him to take full charge and start changing you and your daily way of life. Jesus said it is the only way you can have total security that if your ship goes down tonight, you are completely ready to face Him: your Creator, Savior, and Judge. Just think a minute…
