92a – I Hope You Dance (Part 1)

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
92a – I Hope You Dance (Part 1)

         Think a minute…Not long ago a couple was taking a holiday in the mountains of California. Day after day they saw the same young man sitting by a bridge near their hotel. At first, they thought he was fishing, but after a closer look they realized he was doing nothing but sitting and staring at the sky.

Finally, on the last day of their vacation they asked him: “Why do you sit in this same place every day?” He answered, “I believe in reincarnation. I believe that I’ve lived many different lives before and that I’ll have many more lives after this one. So, I’ve decided to sit this life out.”

         While it may seem funny, it’s actually tragic that this young man does not face the fact that this life is the only one we have. It’s impossible just to “sit it out.” Each day we are either moving forward or backward, getting stronger or weaker, better or worse as a person. Time does not stop for anyone—which means our “dance of life” will soon be over.

         Listen to the words of this popular song entitled, I Hope You Dance:

“May you never take one single breath for granted; may love never leave you empty handed. Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens. Promise me you’ll give faith a fighting chance…And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance…Don’t let some hell-bent heart leave you bitter. When you come close to selling out, reconsider. Give heaven more than just a passing glance. And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.”

The best news is that it’s never too late to start. We begin each day with a fresh, new choice to change. But life is short, so do what you need to do today! Jesus made it clear: the way we live now determines where we live forever after we die—with Him or without Him, with His full and everlasting life or not. Only the Creator of life knows the “right steps” to the dance of life. Won’t you ask Him to take charge of your heart and daily way of living? He will lead and teach you how to “dance”, that is, fully live each day the right, satisfying way He designed you to live now and forever. Just think a minute…
