92b – I Hope You Dance (Part 2)

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
92b – I Hope You Dance (Part 2)

Think a minute…In 1972 Life magazine published a story about the true adventures of John Goddard. When he was 15-years-old John heard his grandmother sadly say: “If only I had done those things when I was young…” At that moment, John determined not to have those kinds of regrets at the end of his life, so he wrote down 127 goals for his life.

         He named 10 rivers he wanted to explore and 17 mountains he wanted to climb. He wanted to read the entire Bible, Encyclopedia Britannica, plus everything written by Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle, and other famous authors. He wanted to marry and have children. Professionally he wanted to pursue a career in medicine, become a pilot, and serve as a missionary.  Sound impossible? Already at the age of 47, John Goddard had accomplished 103 of his 127 goals!

         You may not have as many goals as John Goddard. But if you do not have any goals in your life, you will not have much motivation to get up in the morning, nor will you have much satisfaction at the end of each day—or at the end of your life.

         However, living life to the fullest is not only about achieving goals of activities and tasks. This is a letter written by an 83-year-old woman to her friend.

“Dear Bertha, I’m reading more and cleaning the house less. I’m enjoying the view without worrying about the weeds in the garden. I’m spending more time with my family and friends…I wear my favorite clothes every day. If it’s worth doing, I try to do it now. 

I think if people had known they were dying, they would have called family and friends, including those they needed to apologize to and forgive past offenses and hurts. I’m now doing these important things, such as telling my husband and parents how much I love them every day. I’m trying not to put off anything that would add laughter or luster to our lives. Every morning I remind myself that it is wonderful to be alive. Every day, every minute, every breath is a gift from God. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but we can still dance and live it to the fullest.”

How about you? Won’t you ask the One Who designed and made life to take charge of your life every day? Only He can help you start making every single moment count both for now and for your everlasting life after death. Just think a minute…
