Think a minute…The statesman and financer Cecil Rhodes who started his world-famous Rhodes Scholarships was also known for being a fine dresser. He once invited a young man to his home for dinner. This guest traveled far by train, so he arrived just in time to go directly to Rhodes’ home in his wrinkled, travel-stained clothes. When he got there, he was embarrassed to see all the other guests wearing their finest evening clothes. But the host, Rhodes, suddenly disappeared and was nowhere to be seen.
A few moments later Rhodes returned wearing a shabby old blue suit. The young man later learned that his host, the distinguished Mr. Rhodes, had been dressed in a formal evening tuxedo. But when he heard of his guest’s embarrassment, he slipped away to change into an old suit. Grace is doing whatever it takes to make a person feel accepted.
A passenger on a train was in the dining car looking over the lunch menu. The list included both a chicken sandwich and a chicken salad sandwich. He decided to get the chicken salad sandwich, but mistakenly wrote chicken sandwich on the order slip. When the waiter brought the chicken sandwich, the customer became angry. Instead of showing the customer his order slip that proved he was the one who made the mistake, the waiter kindly returned the chicken sandwich and brought the customer a chicken salad sandwich.
Later, the customer picked up his order slip and saw that he had been wrong, not the waiter. He apologized and offered to pay for both sandwiches; but the waiter said nicely: “It’s no problem, sir. I’m glad you ended up with the sandwich you wanted.”
Even though the waiter knew he was right and the customer was wrong, he was gracious enough to unfairly take the blame first, allowing the customer to see his own mistake—and hopefully in the future to be humbler and slower to judge others. That is the power of grace to change our heart.
The Bible says: “God’s kindness leads us to repent and change.” The Creator of the universe showed us His amazing grace and kindness by humiliating Himself and becoming a human being to pay the penalty for all our sinful pride, rebellion, and wrong living. Won’t you ask Him to forgive you, and then to start changing everything in your heart and life according to His gracious, wonderful plan for you? Just think a minute…