Think a minute…In June, 2009, people all over the world were in shock and grief over the sudden death of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Yet even though Michael was loved by hundreds of millions of people, his lawyer said: “Michael Jackson was the loneliest person I’ve ever known.”
Michael’s increasingly unusual behavior, including immoral treatment of children, showed how desperately he was searching and starving for real love and close relationships. The rich and famous movie star, Marilyn Monroe, shortly before her tragic death by a drug overdose at the young age of 36, said this: “I belonged to the world—because I never really belonged to anyone.”
A song says, “One is the loneliest number.” We humans were not made to live life alone, but to be connected with other people through close, caring relationships. If I am the only one in my life, I will suffer, or even break down, emotionally, mentally, or even physically. This is why “Isolation is insane”for us humans. Even in prisons, the worst punishment for prisoners is putting them in “solitary confinement”. Being cut off from other people is like a tree branch cut off from its trunk and roots: the branch rots and dies since its source of life is gone. “Everybody needs somebody.” We need love and other people in our heart like we need air to breath.
In Madrid, Spain, a woman was discovered dead in her home. She had actually died six years earlier! Amazingly, her body had not decomposed because of the salty air in that area. Tragically, no one had reported her missing because she had broken off her relationships with everyone, including her own children whom she had not spoken to for years.
If you knew you were going to die in only a few weeks, you would grab tight to the people you love! And if you were alone, you would quickly look for someone to love so you would not die alone! A popular song put it this way: “Your prison is walking through this world all alone…Your pain and your hunger they’re driving you home…Why don’t you come to your senses? It may be raining but there’s a rainbow above you. You better let somebody love you—before it’s too late.”
Won’t you open your heart and ask the One Who gave you life, and Who is love itself, to come into your heart and fill that emptiness that only He can fill? Jesus promises He will never leave you alone or lonely. Just think a minute…