95c – Shortcut to Adulthood

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
95c – Shortcut to Adulthood

Think a minute…This is the true story of a teenage girl named Vicky who felt she was old enough to have her own room. It did not seem fair that she still had to sleep in the same room with her mother, especially now that she was 18-years-old. Then to Vicky’s shock, just 3 ½ weeks after her 18th birthday her wish came true—but not in the way she ever expected or wanted. Her uncle died, and because of this she finally got a room of her own. Vicky’s happiness was mixed with sadness since she knew the price of her privacy had been the death of her uncle. In fact, she not only got her own room, but a throne, when Vicky the teen became Victoria the Queen of England.

They say, “Be careful what you wish for.” Vicky wanted so much for people to stop treating her like a little girl. Then suddenly in one day she was forced to start carrying the heavy responsibilities of being the Queen of England as a teenager!

Sometimes children are forced to grow up too fast, either through the death of a parent, or because of their parents’ own immaturity and irresponsibility. Consequently, the child has to become his own parent. Tragically, shortcuts to adulthood usually leave you shortchanged in emotional maturity—like picking a fruit too soon before it’s fully ripe and mature.

The world-famous King of Pop, Michael Jackson, said the most autobiographical song he ever wrote, which best described his life, was entitled Childhood. This is what Jackson said in his song: “People say I’m not okay, cause I love such elementary things…It’s been my fate to compensate for the childhood I’ve never known…the painful youth I’ve had…Before you judge me, try hard to love me. Look within your heart, then ask: Have you seen my childhood?”

If you yourself feel somewhat empty or wounded emotionally from not receiving the love and parenting you needed as a child, it can start changing today. If you ask Jesus to take charge of your heart and daily life with His divine love, strength, and wisdom, He can help you complete your own parenting. He will start filling your emptiness, and help you become the secure, happy, and successful man or woman He created you to be. Just think a minute…
