83e – Finding a Lost Masterpiece

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
83e – Finding a Lost Masterpiece

Think a minute…In your heart and mind, you are not one person but three: The person you think you are, the person others think you are, and the person you truly are.     

One day a man was looking in a used art shop. He picked up a painting that appeared very cheap. Then as he looked closer, he saw another painting hidden underneath the cheap one. He knew that many valuable, lost masterpieces were hidden this way; so, he bought it and hurried home to begin taking off the top cheap painting. After many hours of careful work, he could finally see a beautiful masterpiece of art that had been lost for years. Now it was finally restored to its original beauty.

Each one of us is like that masterpiece painting. The original person you and I were created to be is hidden by what others think we are—and especially by the person we ourselves think we are. Our own wrong thinking about ourselves stops us from becoming the person we can truly and fully be. Almost everything we are and do in life comes from the way we see ourselves in our mind. If we want to change, we must go much deeper than just changing our actions and behavior. We must change what we think about ourselves. True success and satisfaction is an “inside job.”

Other people usually just see the surface: how we appear and act on the outside, or what we have achieved in school, our job and career. But that is just a part of you. Only your Maker knows the complete, real person you are, hidden underneath what others see, and even what you yourself see. Only your Creator knows all the facts about you, inside and out. He is the One Who custom-made you to be a one-of-a-kind masterpiece who fills a special place in His world.

Jesus is the only one who can show you the person He designed you to be, and then empower you to actually become that person. Won’t you ask Him to forgive you for your wrong thinking and living? He can start changing your mind and heart today, so you can start becoming everything He created you to be.  Just think a minute…
