84e – Get Hold of Happiness

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
84e – Get Hold of Happiness

Think a minute…There is an emotional sickness called Sudden Wealth Syndrome. It happens to people who suddenly become wealthy by winning a lottery or inheriting a large amount of money. But often what these newly rich people painfully learn is that it does not end up being the happy dream they expected. They discover what many other rich people already know: money cannot buy true happiness that lasts.

         This is our problem. We think that happiness is something out there that we have to find and get, such as money and possessions, prestige, physical pleasures, or a position of power and respect. But even when we do finally get it, we learn that it does not last and make us completely happy and satisfied for the rest of our lives—like we expected.

         So how do we get hold of happiness that lasts for a lifetime? The first big step is we must simply admit that we’re not completely happy and that we need help.  But that is usually hard for us strong, independent human beings to do. We are like the man who came home drunk one night. As his wife helped him into bed, she asked him if he wanted her to pray for him. He nodded yes. So she began: “Dear Lord, I pray for my husband who lies here drunk.”But her husband quickly interrupted her and said: “Don’t tell Him I’m DRUNK! Just say that I’m SICK!”   

In our heart and conscience, we all know that we have done wrong things and failed to live the way we know we should. We have not lived in a daily, right relationship with our Maker. But many of us simply refuse to admit that our way of living is wrong. Furthermore, we don’t like to admit that we cannot fix our life and make it right by ourselves. But until we honestly face these clear facts of life, we can never change to become truly happy.

Why waste another day of your life? Sincerely ask Jesus to forgive you for living your own wrong way, and ask Him to take charge of your heart and life every day. Only then, can you have peace with your Creator and finally get hold of happiness that lasts. You have absolutely nothing to lose—and everything to gain. Just think a minute…
