Think a minute…It’s been said: ”The human race has improved everything except the human race.” Sadly, many of us humans remain immature and never fully grow up in our character throughout our entire lives. We remain like boys and girls living in adult bodies.
A major mark of maturity is self-control. One of the hardest things for us humans to control is our tongue and words. We have tamed huge wild animals like elephants, whales, and lions, but we still have not tamed that little muscle in our mouth. It can be a deadly weapon that hurts or even destroys relationships and reputations. “Words don’t break bones, just hearts.”The first step is to think first. Stop and think about what you’re going to say: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
The second step is to talk less. You have a far less chance of hurting others, and yourself, if your mouth is open less. Sometimes the best statement we can make is our silence. Always remember the rule: “Less is more.” We can actually say more by talking less. Those who have the most to say usually say it with the fewest words.
Another mark of maturity is living controlled by your life’s purpose and priorities, so you don’t waste much of your life on only temporary fun and leisure. Rather, you want to use your abilities, time, and resources to make the lives of your family, friends, and people around you better.
Mature people live for something greater than just themselves. They are givers, not takers. “At the end of our life, we will find that the things we lost were what we tried to keep for ourselves.”Strong, mature people do not always need to have their own way to be happy. They understand that we receive more happiness from making others happy. “We humans grow tired of the happiness we take, but not of the happiness we give.”It’s when we give our life away by helping others that we find real life.
Remember, Jesus shows us the perfect model of maturity, and gives us the power we need to follow His example. He is the only One who can enable you to reach your full potential as the mature human being He created you to be. Jesus said: “I did not come to be served, but to serve and give away my life for others.” Won’t you ask Him to forgive you for your wrong, self-centered living? Then ask Him to take charge of your heart, character, and way of daily living? It’s the only way you can truly grow to become all that He designed you to be. Just think a minute…