78a – Success Is Mostly Failure

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
78a – Success Is Mostly Failure

   Think a minute…A wise, respected man said: “Success is mostly failing.”  What we often don’t know about the world’s most successful people is how many times they failed before they finally succeeded. Successful people never stop learning from their mistakes and failures. As a world-famous entertainer put it: “If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain.”

              This is the true story of a man who when he was 22-years-old failed at business. The next year he tried for public office in government and lost. He tried at business a second time, but failed again. Then at age 25, he made another attempt for government office, and this time he won. However, the following year his fiancé died and at age 27 he had a nervous breakdown.

              In the next 7 years he tried for government office 3 more times and lost all 3 times! Three years later, at age 37, he tried again for government office and finally won. But only 2 years after that he lost yet another time. In the next 10 years, amazingly he tried 2 more times for the United States Senate and lost both times. Then he tried for vice president and lost that too. Finally, 2 years later, at age 51, he was elected President of the United States. Today, he is considered by many to be the greatest president in America’s history. This is the true-life story of Abraham Lincoln.

              Failing should make us better, not bitter. It helps us learn something that does not work, so the next time we try we will be wiser and more successful. When you fail and make mistakes, you need the inner strength and courage to keep going so your life’s disappointments don’t cause you to stop short of becoming all you can be. “Tough times don’t last—tough people do.” Another way of putting it is: “It’s not how hard you can hit. It’s hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” Only Jesus can help you fully use your failures and disappointments to make you stronger and wiser to reach the true success He created you to have—both personally and professionally. Won’t you ask Him to take charge of your character and career from this day forward? Just think a minute…
