76d – What Women Want

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
76d – What Women Want

Think a minute…One of man’s greatest challenges is to understand women. “By the time a man can read a woman like a book, he needs eyeglasses.” Or as one husband said, “There are two ways to handle a woman—and nobody knows either of them.” What do women really want?

For one thing, unlike women, men usually turn off their feelings of romance and affection when they are working. The same is true when he is with the guys or enjoying his hobby. Then when he is with his wife, he will give his attention and affection to her.

But a woman is different. She needs some type of loving attention more often and not just when her husband is in the mood for romance. She does not turn her romantic feelings on and off like he does. This is why she feels hurt when her husband does not notice her or want to talk and listen to her. For example, it hurts her after they argue when he just continues acting like nothing happened, instead of apologizing and making peace with her.

Much of what a woman does, whether it’s cooking, cleaning, making her house a comfortable home, even her job and career, she usually does out of love for her husband and children. Consequently, she feels hurt when her husband does not seem to appreciate her. He may even think she’s being too sensitive and needy for his affection and approval. This is what causes many problems and misunderstandings in marriage relationships.

Men, your wife generally considers physical and passionate love different from romantic, affectionate love. Your wife needs and wants your heart, and once you have her heart, you have all of her love and affection too.

It’s a simple fact: “There would be much happier marriages if husbands tried as hard to keep their wives as they did to get them.” Today, with God’s help, won’t you start trying to better understand and give your wife what she really wants and needs? Just think a minute…
