Think a minute…Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution to break a bad habit? You determined to finally make that needed change, but after just a few weeks you were back to your same old habits. So, you think to yourself: “I know what I should have done, but I did not do it!” How many times have you felt that way? It’s a struggle we all fight every day. The constant battle between what we know we should do and what we actually do. Between our conscience and how we really live in our character and conduct. Why can’t we simply do what we know we should? It’s even what we want to do deep in our hearts.
Our problem? We have a power shortage in our lives: a shortage of willpower. We are like this couple whom I know. The husband and wife both are professional marriage counselors, but they have now divorced each other. They have counseled many other married couples, yet they themselves cannot work out their own marriage problems! They know all there is to know about a good marriage relationship, but they cannot do it themselves and follow their own advice.
We all know that honesty is the right, best policy—yet dishonesty, lying, cheating, and corruption is everywhere. People know that loving and forgiving others is the happiest, best way to live—yet we still are self-centered, competitive, jealous, unforgiving, and even hurt the people we want to love. Fathers and mothers know they should spend more time with their children and be a better example for them to follow—yet parents still do not do it.
Is this just the way we humans are? Will we ever have the willpower to do what we know we should? This is why God came to connect us to His power—so we can finally have all the power we need to live up to our potential, and live the way we know we should and were created to enjoy. Jesus came to forgive us so we could live in a right, close relationship with our powerful Creator.
Knowledge is not your main problem. You know what you should do. It’s power that you need. And Jesus has all the power you will ever need, for whatever your struggle is. His empty grave shouts it loud and clear: He has all the power, even over death! And His power is yours! If you will ask Him to forgive you for living your own wrong way, and to take full charge your life from this day forward. Just think a minute…