Think a minute…The famous writer George Bernard Shaw said: “When I was a young man, I observed that 9 out of 10 things I did were failures. I did not want to be a failure, so I did 10 times more work.”
All successful people say the same thing: “Luck is what you make of it with hard work.” As important as a good education is, it does not guarantee success. In every kind of career, there are successful people who had little natural talent or education to begin with. But the most important thing they had was the desire and discipline to keep working toward reaching their full potential and success.
There is simply no substitute for hard work. Even if you naturally know how to charm and get along with people, you still must do the work to finish the job well. If you’re naturally smart in school, you still have to spend the time and effort learning the new knowledge. If you do not have a lot of natural talent or ability, then you must work even harder. It’s a fact of life.
A good worker learns not to waste or misuse his time, because he knows if he “kills time” he kills his chances for success. The great inventor Thomas Edison often worked when most people slept. In fact, Edison usually did not sleep more than 4 hours a night. He said that too much sleep made him lose time, opportunities, and ideas. Most of us cannot work as many waking hours as Thomas Edison, so we need to learn to make even better use of our time. The Greek philosopher Plato said: “One of the saddest things in life is a man who spends much of his time on things that are not important and lasting.”
So why waste one more minute of what’s left of your life? Ask Jesus to forgive you for not living the way you know you should. Then ask Him to take charge of your character and way of living. Since He is your Maker, He knows how to help you work hard and work smart, so your life will work right. That’s how His awesome plan for your success and satisfaction can happen. Just think a minute…