Think a minute…During a football game of Augsburg University in the U.S., Augsburg was losing. Then late in the game, defensive tackle David Stevens was put in to play and sparked a comeback in his Augsburg teammates. He made two important tackles and recovered a fumble to get the ball back for his team. The crowd cheered as he held the ball up high to inspire his team.
David Stevens was born to a woman who had taken an anti-nausea drug for pregnant women in the early 1960’s. Tragically the drug later caused terrible birth defects, so David was born with no legs. David’s mother consequently abandoned him, making his horrible young life seem hopeless. But thankfully David was adopted by Bill and Bee Stevens. David’s new father and mother loved him so much that they never wanted to cripple their son’s confidence for success in life. They continually supported and encouraged David, as well as challenged him to reach his full potential in spite of having no legs. They wanted to teach him to do things for himself, so they never put him in a wheelchair. Instead, when David was three-years-old they had prosthetic or artificial legs made for him.
In school David became a student leader, made good grades, and had many friends. In high school he not only played football, but also basketball, baseball, and hockey. He even became a champion wrestler. When he started driving a car the license bureau offered him license plates for a handicapped person, but he politely refused them, saying: “Those are for people who really need them. I’m not disabled.”
From the time he was young, David was taught never to think of himself as disadvantaged or crippled. Instead, he learned to discipline and train himself so he was able to do much more than anyone ever thought possible.
Whatever disadvantage you might be facing, you too can rise above it to achieve your life’s goals and dreams. If you ask Jesus to take charge of your heart and character daily, with His power you can discipline yourself to reach your potential and the great plan He has for you—no matter what challenges you face. Just think a minute…