89c – Up Close and Personal

Think a Minute
Think a Minute
89c – Up Close and Personal

Think a minute…This is a true Russian love story. Nadya von Meck was the wealthiest woman in Moscow; but sadly, all of her money and fortune could not comfort her after her husband died. So, she escaped inside her luxurious home and tried to heal her broken heart by playing the music she loved on her piano.

At the same time in the city of Moscow, there was a 36-year-old composer named Peter Tchaikovsky. He had no idea that his music had begun to restore hope and love to the heart of this lonely widow. Nadya felt that Peter understood her pain and feelings, which he had masterfully transformed into the most soothing and stirring music she had ever heard.

But Nadya’s infatuation with Peter’s music was also attracting her to him personally. She learned from his friends about his interests, and she later paid Tchaikovsky money to write more music. Nadya, in fact, became his #1 financial supporter and patron. Over time she also became his closest confidant and companion who inspired him to create some of history’s most romantic music. For 14 years they found love in each other. In fact, Tchaikovsky’s passionate music was written for none other than his Nadya, the love of his life.

Then one day they suddenly ended their relationship. No one knows for certain why. After that, neither of them lived long without the other. Nadya quickly lost her health and Peter died speaking her name. Yet their secrets live on in their love letters to each other. That is all we know of them. For 14 years they expressed their feelings to each other in letters. Amazingly, the famous relationship of Peter Tchaikovsky and Nadya von Meck, which produced some of the world’s most romantic music, was from two lovers who never once met face to face!

Real love must be lived “up close and personal”—not just in romantic love songs and letters. That is why God humbled Himself to become a human being: to show His real love for us “up close and personal”. That was the only way we could know what He is truly like and learn to love Him for the real person He is. He has done everything He possibly can to show us how much He loves us; and how much He wants to share His life with us in a daily personal relationship.

Won’t you open your heart and ask Jesus, who lived, suffered, died, and rose from death for you, to become the love of your life? Only then can His real love and power begin changing your heart and life from the inside out. It doesn’t get any better than becoming “up close and personal” with our Creator and Savior. God is love—so with God the Son living in your heart, you can start learning how to love others unconditionally the way Jesus unconditionally loves you. Just think a minute…
