Think a minute…“Some people cause happiness wherever they go—others whenever they go.”Ask yourself: “Are people happier when they see me coming or going?” The only way to get happiness is to give it to others. The miracle of love is the more you give the more you have. “Joy shared becomes joy doubled.” It’s like perfume: you can’t pour it on others without getting some of it on yourself.
Happiness only comes to those who give themselves to a purpose greater than just their own personal happiness.It’s a fact that we get less and less satisfaction the more we take for ourselves. It’s called the Law of Diminishing Returns. But people who celebrate life each day learn to see and experience joy in the simplest experiences; so their capacity for happiness just keeps growing.
Happiness in life is made up of small, yet mighty and meaningful moments: the little kindnesses of a smile, a sincere compliment, a tender touch, heartfelt encouragement, or forgiveness to someone who needs it. “Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully.” The only way to find real life is to give it away. A young man who died tragically in his 20’s after desperately searching for happiness, simply wrote: “Happiness not shared is not real.”
But to give yourself you must be yourself—and no one else. After all, everybody else is taken! It’s not possible to be happy until you learn to be who you were made to be.Remember, no one else can be you as well as you can. To be somebody, you must first be yourself. “To find yourself, you must first find the One Who created you.” The great news is He’s as close as a prayer away. He’s just been waiting for you to come home to Him, and let Him take charge of the life He gave you.
Remember, living your own way will only end up breaking your heart and happiness. That is why Jesus desperately wants to enable you to become all He designed and made you to be. Won’t you ask Him to forgive you for your self-centered, sinful living, and to take control of your heart? Only then can you start living His way, and start enjoying real, lasting happiness that becomes your daily mode of living—not just a passing mood or moment. Just think a minute…