Think a minute…“The reason many people don’t climb the ladder of success is they are waiting for the elevator.” But we cannot wait our way to the top, we must work our way up. We just need to be sure of the correct steps that will lead us there, so we don’t waste our life climbing the wrong ladder! Today and tomorrow, we’ll look at some of the right steps to success.
The first step is learning from experience. As one successful person says: “I prefer to profit from the mistakes others have already made and paid for.” People who do not learn from experience waste much of their life going around in circles making the same mistakes again and again.
A second step to success is both seeing and seizing good opportunities. “Vision without activation is hallucination.” Successful people don’t just talk about what they plan to do, they get on with doing it. They recognize a good opportunity and grab it before it’s too late. They know timing is everything—so they’re not afraid to take risks. They’re more afraid of losing a good opportunity. The first step is usually the hardest; but it gets easier once you get moving toward your goal.
The person who is waiting for someone else to advise him on an opportunity will probably wait a long time. “The important thing is not to wait until opportunity knocks—it’s to recognize the sound of opportunity when it’s just a tap.” A good opportunity is like a diamond in the rough: most people walk right by it because it’s not already cut to size and polished.
A third step to success is to know when and where there is not much opportunity for future improvement and promotion. Some people can’t read the warning signs telling them they’re wasting their time in a dead-end job—where the road to their success is closed. Someone wisely said: “Don’t stay where you’re tolerated, go where you’re celebrated.”Find a job or business where you fit and can keep climbing as high as your ability and desire will take you.
Today, why not ask the One Who knows your personality and abilities better than anyone to become your career manager? The One who designed and made you knows exactly the right steps for you to take. Jesus’s way is the only way to reach your potential and the success He planned for you. Just think a minute…