Think a minute…A little boy named John was watching his mother bake a cake. She put all the ingredients on the table: flour, butter, sugar, baking powder, eggs, and vanilla. When his mother was not looking, little John sneaked a taste of each ingredient. However, they tasted bad by themselves! Then he watched his mother mix all the ingredients together and put it into the oven to bake. That night after John enjoyed two big pieces of the cake, he said: “Wow! How can mixing all those BAD-tasting things make such a GOOD cake?”His mother smiled and answered: “The magic is in the mix!”
Sooner or later bad things happen to all of us. Maybe you did not get that job or promotion you deserved; or someone in your family suddenly became seriously sick or was terribly injured in an accident. It’s a fact: Life is a series of problems. But quite often, “Trouble can be the first path to truth.” In fact, our problems can give us our most valuable and treasured lessons for life. So, “Don’t give up, simply grow up.”But it takes a truly teachable, humble, and strong person to suffer wisely.
Everybody suffers, but not everybody grows better from it. We need to learn how to profit from our pain, and understand that there is a purpose behind every problem—a kind of magic or “miracle in the mix.”
Each day of our life is a training course on how to become the person you were created to be. If you give God control of your life, you cannot lose. No matter what happens to you, His inner peace and power enables you to grow stronger and wiser from everything life throws at you. So, you actually learn how to “suffer successfully.” We face challenges every day in the classroom of our life, with the greatest Teacher in the world. But usually, “We humans don’t know God is all we need until He’s all we’ve got.” He is the only One who can masterfully mix all of your life’s experiences together, both good and bad, to produce a truly successful, satisfying life. Since you were created an eternal soul and person, you have to live with yourself forever—long after your short life here is over. But you must first put your life in God’s hands every day, before He can start blending together everything in your life for your lasting happiness and good. Won’t you ask Him right now to take charge of your heart and life so He can get started? Just think a minute…