Tag Archives: Week 92

92a – I Hope You Dance (Part 1)

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Think a Minute
92a – I Hope You Dance (Part 1)

         Think a minute…Not long ago a couple was taking a holiday in the mountains of California. Day after day they saw the same young man sitting by a bridge near their hotel. At first, they thought he was fishing, but after a closer look they realized he was doing nothing but sitting and staring at the sky.

Finally, on the last day of their vacation they asked him: “Why do you sit in this same place every day?” He answered, “I believe in reincarnation. I believe that I’ve lived many different lives before and that I’ll have many more lives after this one. So, I’ve decided to sit this life out.”

         While it may seem funny, it’s actually tragic that this young man does not face the fact that this life is the only one we have. It’s impossible just to “sit it out.” Each day we are either moving forward or backward, getting stronger or weaker, better or worse as a person. Time does not stop for anyone—which means our “dance of life” will soon be over.

         Listen to the words of this popular song entitled, I Hope You Dance:

“May you never take one single breath for granted; may love never leave you empty handed. Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens. Promise me you’ll give faith a fighting chance…And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance…Don’t let some hell-bent heart leave you bitter. When you come close to selling out, reconsider. Give heaven more than just a passing glance. And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.”

The best news is that it’s never too late to start. We begin each day with a fresh, new choice to change. But life is short, so do what you need to do today! Jesus made it clear: the way we live now determines where we live forever after we die—with Him or without Him, with His full and everlasting life or not. Only the Creator of life knows the “right steps” to the dance of life. Won’t you ask Him to take charge of your heart and daily way of living? He will lead and teach you how to “dance”, that is, fully live each day the right, satisfying way He designed you to live now and forever. Just think a minute…

92b – I Hope You Dance (Part 2)

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Think a Minute
92b – I Hope You Dance (Part 2)

Think a minute…In 1972 Life magazine published a story about the true adventures of John Goddard. When he was 15-years-old John heard his grandmother sadly say: “If only I had done those things when I was young…” At that moment, John determined not to have those kinds of regrets at the end of his life, so he wrote down 127 goals for his life.

         He named 10 rivers he wanted to explore and 17 mountains he wanted to climb. He wanted to read the entire Bible, Encyclopedia Britannica, plus everything written by Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle, and other famous authors. He wanted to marry and have children. Professionally he wanted to pursue a career in medicine, become a pilot, and serve as a missionary.  Sound impossible? Already at the age of 47, John Goddard had accomplished 103 of his 127 goals!

         You may not have as many goals as John Goddard. But if you do not have any goals in your life, you will not have much motivation to get up in the morning, nor will you have much satisfaction at the end of each day—or at the end of your life.

         However, living life to the fullest is not only about achieving goals of activities and tasks. This is a letter written by an 83-year-old woman to her friend.

“Dear Bertha, I’m reading more and cleaning the house less. I’m enjoying the view without worrying about the weeds in the garden. I’m spending more time with my family and friends…I wear my favorite clothes every day. If it’s worth doing, I try to do it now. 

I think if people had known they were dying, they would have called family and friends, including those they needed to apologize to and forgive past offenses and hurts. I’m now doing these important things, such as telling my husband and parents how much I love them every day. I’m trying not to put off anything that would add laughter or luster to our lives. Every morning I remind myself that it is wonderful to be alive. Every day, every minute, every breath is a gift from God. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but we can still dance and live it to the fullest.”

How about you? Won’t you ask the One Who designed and made life to take charge of your life every day? Only He can help you start making every single moment count both for now and for your everlasting life after death. Just think a minute…

92c – Mothers and Sons

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Think a Minute
92c – Mothers and Sons

Think a minute…Thomas Edison is one of history’s greatest inventors with more than 1,000 inventions and patents to his name. It is interesting that he gives much of the credit to his mother. Edison wrote:

“I did not have my mother long, but her influence on me lasted all my life. If not for her encouragement and faith in me, I would never have become an inventor. I was a careless boy, and with a mother of less wisdom and sensitivity I would have turned out badly. But her strength, sweetness, and goodness kept me on the right path. My mother was the one who made me the man that I am.”

         It is so important that we tell our son how much we love and believe in him, and show him how important he is in our eyes. Ask yourself: “Will my son have many memories and feelings of how much I loved him?”Mom, and Dad, we must let our son know that we discipline him for his wrong attitudes and actions, not because he is a bad person or failure as a person. “Correction does much, but encouragement does much more. Encouragement after correction is like the sun after the rain.”    

In fact, the early relationship between a boy and his mother affects his physical and psychological health for the rest of his life. A study by Harvard University showed that men who as babies and young boys did not have loving care from their mothers, had more than twice as many serious illnesses as men who did have a secure, loving relationship with their mother when they were small. A baby should be born with a sign around his neck that warns: “Caution! Handle with Care! Love me! Protect me! Your heart is my home!”

The mother is also the gatekeeper between the children and their father. She can either build the father-son relationship or she can destroy it. Boys are born with a natural need and desire to be like their dad. But they will not respect and follow him if their mother criticizes him and makes him look like a weak or failing father. However, if she shows respect to their dad, his sons will also. So mother, are you using your influence and power to love, teach, and help build your son into the man God created him to be? Won’t you ask the Lord to forgive you for your mistakes and failures, and to help you become the mother He created you to be? Just think a minute…

92d – True Friends Say What’s True

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Think a Minute
92d – True Friends Say What’s True

Think a minute…The former U.S. president Harry Truman had a reputation for being an honest and loyal friend no matter what the cost. One of Truman’s friends, Tom Pendergast, helped Truman win his first election to public office as a county judge. However, Truman did not always agree with his friend Pendergast’s dishonest way of doing business. One time a group of crooked businessmen wanted Pendergast to influence his friend, Judge Harry Truman. However, Pendergast replied: “Truman always stays true to his honest character and principles. There is nothing I can do to tempt or make Truman cheat or do anything dishonest.”

Eventually Pendergast was put in jail for the crime of tax evasion. Years later when Truman was vice-president of the United States, Pendergast died. Yet Truman still flew across America for the funeral. He said: “Even though I definitely disagreed Pendergast’s dishonesty, we were still friends.” 

True friendship is not based on what a friend does for you, but on what he means to you, even if you disagree with him and disapprove of some of his wrong ways of living. True friends say what’s true, even if it hurts—because they care about what is right and best for your life. “A true friend gets in your way if you’re going down the wrong road.” A proverb in the Bible says: “Faithful are the wounds from a friend.” Just like a doctor sometimes must cut you to heal and save your life.

“True friends stab you in the front”—because they want to save you from worse problems and pain. Love does not lie, because “Truth that is kept silent often becomes poison.”We all have things in our character we need to change, so sooner or later confrontation is necessary. A close, strong relationship only grows out of deep trust built on honest communication with each other. My friend needs to know I will always accept him, even if I do not approve of what he is doing. So, “Speak up when your friend is falling down.”

But friendship is a two-way street and the truth cuts both ways. So, we need to be willing to listen when a friend cares enough to confront us about something wrong in our life. One of the most important reasons God gave us friends is to help us grow and become more like Christ in our character. Jesus is the best friend you will ever have Who will always tell you the truth. Won’t you ask Him to forgive you for your wrong ways of living, and to take charge of changing your character and daily lifestyle? That is when He can start rebuilding you into the man or woman He made you to be. Just think a minute…

92e – Who’s Your Hero?

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Think a Minute
92e – Who’s Your Hero?

Think a minute…One of the most famous Italians in the 20th century was Benito Mussolini, known to his people as Il Duce, which simply means, The Leader. His charisma was almost like a movie star rather than a government leader, even though his charm was bathed in blood and violence.  

         The popularity of Mussolini was truly phenomenal. He transformed Italy into a spectacular show of national pride, parades, military power, and music. Mussolini regularly stood on his balcony with thousands of people below cheering and worshipping him at the height of his power. Parents would hold their children up to see their mighty leader. To young men, he seemed to be the perfect example of a real man, fearless and tough; and to young women, he represented both security and seduction in one. 

Italians, and even citizens of other countries, asked for the autograph of Mussolini the superstar. One of these fans sent Mussolini a photo hoping he would sign it, but Mussolini rejected his admirer’s request. However, Mussolini would likely have signed it had he known who this fan would become. For this young man who worshipped Mussolini as his hero actually did follow in his steps, until one day these two terrible dictators stood side by side: Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, two of the most wicked, evil leaders in all of human history.

We become, now and forever, like the people we admire and want to be like. The great Christian thinker and author C.S. Lewis wrote: “It’s a serious thing to live in a world of possible gods and goddesses…All day long, in one way or another, we are helping each other become a person of great goodness or horrible evil…There are no ‘ordinary’ people. You have never talked to a mere ‘mortal’…Every person we meet, joke with, work with, marry, mistreat, and ignore will become either everlasting horrors or everlasting heroes of godly nature and goodness.” 

What kind of person do you want to become permanently? Where do you want to live for all eternity: with God or without Him? In heaven or in hell? Remember, Jesus makes it crystal clear that we all live forever, since God created us in His likeness as living, eternal souls. The only person worthy of being your hero whom you worship and follow is your Creator, Savior, and Lord. Won’t you ask Jesus to forgive you for living your wrong, sinful way? You also need to ask Him to take charge of your heart and daily way of living. It’s the only way you can start becoming more like Him in your character for the rest of this life, and for your eternal life after you die.Just think a minute…